India joining the league of Joint Replacement Surgeries

India is the seventh-largest country by area and second-largest country by population in the world and has one of the youngest populations in the world, with an average age of 29. With both public and private health sectors, India has a vast healthcare system. Despite this, Medical Tourism in India is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the Indian economy making it a global medical tourism hub and one of the popular destinations for medical tourists, given the relatively low cost and high quality of healthcare services. With emerging, healthcare facilities and treatment, disease perseverance is also increasing at a higher rate and the joint problem is one of all those diseases. The joint problem in people is emerging as the fourth most common cause of disability in India. Arthritis is one of them, the age-related degenerative arthritis involves degeneration of cartilage and can affect any joint of the body. In India the average age for the onset of knee problems ...