Is hip pain causing you problems? This may be AVN. Beware of These Signs!

Our joints work to survive on the oxygen and nutrients it receives from the blood. But avascular necrosis (AVN) of the hip is a condition that results when blood supply to the bone is disrupted. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including injury, prolonged immobility, or certain medical conditions. When blood flow is cut off, the bone tissue dies and the hip joint may collapse. AVN of the hip is a serious condition that can lead to chronic pain and disability. Risk Factors for Avascular Necrosis of Hip There are several risk factors for avascular necrosis of the hip. Some of these include: ● Trauma or injury to the hip ● Dislocation of the hip ● Fracture of the hip ● Use of certain medications such as corticosteroids ● Undergoing radiation therapy to the hip area ● Certain medical conditions such as sickle cell disease or lupus If you have any of these risk factors, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of avascular necrosis s...