Management of avascular necrosis of femoral head
Avascular necrosis (AVN) or osteonecrosis is a painful, degenerative condition of the hip that interrupts the blood supply to the femur head. The femoral head receives less blood due to vascular interruption. This results in bone dying causing pain, reduced hip movement, and arthritis. People with this condition seek avascular necrosis treatment . Management and avascular necrosis treatment Physiotherapy Physiotherapy helps to prevent further deterioration of the hip. However, physiotherapy alone cannot cure the disease, and usually, patients require surgical treatment. Physiotherapy treatment includes: 1. Weight-bear This involves the implementation of a walking aid of some sort to decrease the weight-bearing load in the head of the femur. 2. Range of motion Physiotherapists help clients to maintain joint mobility via both active and passive exercises. This involves hands-on mobilization techniques in combination with stretching of tight musculature. The hip pain treatment should not...