
Showing posts with the label Avascular Necrosis

Surgery Isn't The Only Treatment Option For Hip Pain! Here's Why?

You may be surprised to know that surgery is not the only treatment option for hip pain. While it is certainly an option, it is not always the best or most effective option. There are a number of reasons why this is the case. In this blog post, we will explore how cell therapy can be beneficial in treating hip pain along with the reason that leads to the deteriorated condition of the hip joint.  Causes of hip pain There are many different causes of hip pain. It can be caused by arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, or a pinched nerve. Sometimes hip pain is caused by a problem with the muscles or ligaments around the hip joint. If you have hip pain, it is important to see a doctor to find out what is causing it. Once the cause is diagnosed, your doctor will be able to recommend the best treatment for you. 4 most common reasons that lead to hip pain are: Age: It is a common factor in hip pain. Your hip joint can wear out as you age, just like the rest of your body. Your cartilage can be harm

The Benefits of Cell Therapy for Avascular Necrosis

It is a common fact that bones are connected to other skeletal and muscular tissue by ligaments and tendons. Healthy bones have a supply of red blood cells, which take oxygen from the lungs to the part of the body where it is needed. If these cells are not present or are inadequate in number, myocardial failure will eventually result. What is Avascular Necrosis? Avascular necrosis is a condition in which the supply of blood to a bone decreases or stops. The bone then dies as a result of a lack of oxygen and nutrients, becoming too weak to support the weight of the body. What is bone cell Therapy? Cell therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that involves the use of living cells to treat or prevent disease. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are a type of cell that can differentiate into bone, cartilage, and other tissues. BMSCs have been shown to be effective in treating avascular necrosis (AVN), a condition in which the blood supply to the bone is disrupted and the bone ti

Alcohol and hip joint: Not a good connection, Here’s Why!

At least 10 heavy drinkers are diagnosed with avascular necrosis every day! Alcohol is often thought of as a way to relax or celebrate, but did you know that it can harm your bones? A recent study has shown how alcohol consumption impacts bones and how it has increased the risk of avascular necrosis significantly.  When it comes to our hip joint, we all know that it is an important joint. It provides structure and support to our bodies, and allows us to move, and perform various activities. But did you know that what we eat and drink can have a big impact on the hip joint? That’s right – what we consume can either help to keep it healthy and strong, or it can contribute to weakening and degradation. And unfortunately, when it comes to alcohol, the latter is more often the case. While moderate alcohol consumption has been shown to have some positive health benefits, when it comes to bone health, the negatives outweigh the positives.  So why is there such a negative connection between al

Knee Pain: Why Does It Occur?

At some point in our lives, most of us experience knee pain. For some, it could be a brief twinge that goes away quickly. Others might have to deal with chronic pain that can last for months or even years. But what causes knee pain? And why does it seem to happen more often as we age? In this blog, we'll explore some of the most common reasons for knee pain and discuss treatment options. What can lead to knee pain? The causes of knee pain can vary from individual to individual. But what needs to be considered is that young people are at a higher risk of pain and discomfort. This is because they are still growing and their bones are not yet fully developed. Some common causes of pain are: Injury: Some injuries may heal within a short period of time but some may take longer. Well, with proper treatment and care the pain might not return but some injury pains can reoccur after years too. Overuse of the knee joint: Our knee joints are protected by the layer of cartilage t