
Regenerative solution for urethral stricture

  A tube that carries urine from the bladder to expel is known as urethra. In urethral stricture, the urethra narrows, so the flow of urine is restricted.  This condition mainly affects men.  The constriction of urethra is usually due to tissue inflammation or a presence of scar tissue. There can be many factors that result in scar tissue. Young boys who have gone through hypospadias surgery (a method to correct an underdeveloped urethra) and men who have penile implants have a higher chance of developing urethral stricture.  Common causes of urethral stricture One of the common types of traumas that can lead to urethral stricture includes straddle injury. Examples include bicycle accidents or getting hit in an area close to the scrotum. Other causes of urethral stricture may include: Radiation  Catheter insertion  Pelvic fractures  Prostate surgery  Benign prostatic hyperplasia  In rare cases it could be a sexually transmitted disease lik...

Avoid AVN by availing world's first medically proven bone cell therapy

Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a disease related to the bone. Necrosis is a medical term used to denote a dead cell. AVN is also known as: Osteonecrosis Aseptic necrosis Ischemic bone necrosis Bone infarction AVN can cause joint pain, especially the hip. The damage to the bone is caused due to the lack of blood flow to bone cells. This often may occur because of an injury or due to damage from drinking excessive alcohol or consuming corticosteroids to address a chronic health problem. Symptoms of AVN It is often found that the hip bone is one of the highly affected joints with AVN while It may also affect the knee often. In its primary phase, AVN rarely shows any symptoms. As blood cells die and the disease progresses, symptoms may be noticed in roughly this order: Severe or mild pain around the affected joint groin pain that spreads down to the knee pain caused due to putting weight on the hip or knee joint pain severe enough to limit movement Stages Stage-1 demands for a x-rays or MRI t...