How do you know if you have Urethral Stricture?
Urinary fluid passes out of the body through a tube called a urethra. This thin tube also plays an important role in ejaculation, for men. Under normal conditions, the bladder empties through the urethra, out of the body also called voiding. A scar from swelling, injury, or infection either blocks or slows the flow of urine in this tube, this condition is called Urethral Stricture. Urethral Stricture Symptoms are usually related to problems emptying the bladder. These include a slow or interrupted urinary stream, incomplete emptying of the bladder, inability to urinate, pain or burning during urination. Sometimes, these can be associated with urinary frequency, urgency, or urgency incontinence. When urethra is narrow it decreases urine flow and one could experience symptoms like bloody or dark urine, slow or decreased urine stream, abdominal pain or pain in the pelvic area, urethral leaking or loss of bladder control, Urinary Tract Infections, swelling of the penis, loss of...