Regenerative Medicines: A promising AVN Treatment

Recently, it has been noticed that not only elderly people but young adults have also been complaining of hip pain. On diagnosis, it appeared that many patients were suffering from Avascular Necrosis and were in need of hip replacement surgery. Although AVN can also have an impact on other areas like the knee, shoulder, and ankle, the hip joint is much more prone to the ailment. 

What are bone degeneration and avascular necrosis?

Avascular necrosis, also referred to as AVN or osteonecrosis, is the loss of blood flow that causes bone structures to die. The illness AVN progresses, limiting movement and eventually collapsing the afflicted joint.

What are the common symptoms of AVN?

The patients who complain about the pain in the hip joint also exhibited the following symptoms along with the hip pain.

  • Swelling, stiffness, and pain in the afflicted joint

  • Walking, lying down, or applying weight to a joint can all cause pain.

  • Limited range of motion in the injured joint

  • Being unable to bend forward or even fasten your shoes

  • Walking with a limp

What factors result in Avascular Necrosis?

Avascular Necrosis (AVN) causes include;

  • Trauma: Injuries may cause blood vessel damage that might result in avascular necrosis. Additionally, it has been noted that the damage in some cases occurred years earlier.

  • Cancer Treatment: Radiation therapy for cancer can weaken bones and harm blood vessels, increasing their susceptibility to AVN.

  • Fatty deposits: Because of fatty deposits, the blood vessels become inflamed. Tiny blood vessels can get obstructed by lipids (fat). As a result, there can be less blood flow to the bones.

  • Other Causes: Alcoholism, certain medicines, and other illnesses may all be involved.

What are the AVN Treatment Options?

The major dependency of AVN treatment is upon the severity of the condition. Bone cell treatment can assist to minimise the effects of the damage even if there is no known cure for it.

The mission of Regrow Biosciences has always been to improve people's lives. And as an efficient Avascular Necrosis treatment, Ossgrow ® Bone Cell Therapy is used to accomplish this goal. It is a natural and biological therapy that slows down bone loss by using the patient's own cells. These cells are taken out of the patient's bone marrow, which has the capacity to develop into the cells needed by the body. The advantages of cell treatment include:

  • Significant reduction in pain

  • Shorter hospital stay

  • In a few days be able to return to your regular schedule.

  • Regain joint flexibility without experiencing discomfort.

While some therapies may reduce discomfort, they might potentially harm your health. In India, Ossgrow ® Bone Cell Therapy is a safe and all-natural AVN treatment. It's crucial to preserve your bones to prevent them from disintegrating. 


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